All Classes Interface Summary Class Summary Enum Summary Exception Summary Annotation Types Summary
Class |
Description |
AbstractLogger |
Base implementation of a Logger.
AbstractLoggerAdapter<L> |
Provides an abstract base class to use for implementing LoggerAdapter.
AbstractMessageFactory |
Activator |
Consider this class private.
OSGi bundle activator.
AsynchronouslyFormattable |
Annotation that signals to asynchronous logging components that messages of this type can safely be passed to
a background thread without calling Message.getFormattedMessage() first.
Base64Util |
Base64 encodes Strings.
BiConsumer<K,V> |
An operation that accepts two input arguments and returns no result.
BridgeAware |
Extended interface to allow bridges between logging systems to convey the
correct location information.
Chars |
Consider this class private.
CleanableThreadContextMap |
Extension service provider interface to implement additional custom MDC behavior for
ThreadContext .
CloseableThreadContext |
Adds entries to the stack or map and them removes them when the object is closed, e.g.
CloseableThreadContext.Instance |
Constants |
Log4j API Constants.
CopyOnWrite |
Marker interface indicating that the implementing class is a copy-on-write data structure.
DefaultFlowMessageFactory |
Default factory for flow messages.
DefaultLogBuilder |
Collects data for a log event and then logs it.
DefaultThreadContextMap |
The actual ThreadContext Map.
DefaultThreadContextStack |
A copy-on-write thread-safe variant of org.apache.logging.log4j.spi.ThreadContextStack in which all mutative
operations (add, pop, and so on) are implemented by making a fresh copy of the underlying list.
EnglishEnums |
Consider this class private.
EntryMessage |
Entry flow messages
EnvironmentPropertySource |
PropertySource implementation that uses environment variables as a source.
EventLogger |
ExitMessage |
Exit flow messages
ExtendedLogger |
Extends the Logger interface with methods that facilitate implementing or extending Logger s.
ExtendedLoggerWrapper |
Wrapper class that exposes the protected AbstractLogger methods to support wrapped loggers.
FilteredObjectInputStream |
Extends ObjectInputStream to only allow some built-in Log4j classes and caller-specified classes to be
FlowMessage |
Flow messages
FlowMessageFactory |
Creates flow messages.
FormattedMessage |
Handles messages that contain a format String.
FormattedMessageFactory |
IndexedReadOnlyStringMap |
An extension of ReadOnlyStringMap that imposes a total ordering on its keys.
IndexedStringMap |
An extension of StringMap that imposes a total ordering on its keys.
LambdaUtil |
Utility class for lambda support.
Level |
Levels used for identifying the severity of an event.
LoaderUtil |
Consider this class private. Utility class for ClassLoaders.
LocalizedMessage |
Provides some level of compatibility with Log4j 1.x and convenience but is not the recommended way to Localize
LocalizedMessageFactory |
LocationAwareLogger |
Logger that accepts the location of the caller.
LogBuilder |
Interface for constructing log events before logging them.
Logger |
This is the central interface in the log4j package.
LoggerAdapter<L> |
A basic registry for LoggerContext objects and their associated external
Logger classes.
LoggerContext |
Anchor point for logging implementations.
LoggerContextFactory |
LoggerContextKey |
LoggerContextShutdownAware |
Interface allowing interested classes to know when a LoggerContext has shutdown - if the LoggerContext
implementation provides a way to register listeners.
LoggerContextShutdownEnabled |
LoggerContexts implementing this are able register LoggerContextShutdownAware classes.
LoggerNameAwareMessage |
Message that is interested in the name of the Logger.
LoggerRegistry<T extends ExtendedLogger> |
Convenience class to be used by LoggerContext implementations.
LoggerRegistry.ConcurrentMapFactory<T extends ExtendedLogger> |
Generates ConcurrentHashMaps for use by the registry to store the Loggers.
LoggerRegistry.MapFactory<T extends ExtendedLogger> |
Interface to control the data structure used by the registry to store the Loggers.
LoggerRegistry.WeakMapFactory<T extends ExtendedLogger> |
Generates WeakHashMaps for use by the registry to store the Loggers.
LoggingException |
Exception thrown when an error occurs while logging.
LogManager |
The anchor point for the Log4j logging system.
LogManagerStatus |
Keeps track of LogManager initialization status;
MapMessage<M extends MapMessage<M,V>,V> |
Represents a Message that consists of a Map.
MapMessage.MapFormat |
When set as the format specifier causes the Map to be formatted as XML.
Marker |
Markers are objects that are used to add easily filterable information to log messages.
MarkerManager |
Applications create Markers by using the Marker Manager.
MarkerManager.Log4jMarker |
Consider this class private, it is only public to satisfy Jackson for XML and JSON IO.
Message |
An interface for various Message implementations that can be logged.
MessageCollectionMessage<T> |
A Message that is a collection of Messages.
MessageFactory |
Creates messages.
MessageFactory2 |
Creates messages.
MessageFactory2Adapter |
Adapts a legacy MessageFactory to the new MessageFactory2 interface.
MessageFormatMessage |
Handles messages that consist of a format string conforming to java.text.MessageFormat.
MessageFormatMessageFactory |
MessageSupplier |
Classes implementing this interface know how to supply Message s.
MultiformatMessage |
A Message that can render itself in more than one way.
MultiFormatStringBuilderFormattable |
A Message that can render itself in more than one way.
MutableThreadContextStack |
NoOpThreadContextMap |
ThreadContextMap implementation used when either of system properties disableThreadContextMap or .
ObjectArrayMessage |
Handles messages that contain an Object[].
ObjectMessage |
Handles messages that contain an Object.
ObjectThreadContextMap |
Extension service provider interface to allow putting Object values in the
ThreadContext .
OsgiServiceLocator |
ParameterConsumer<S> |
An operation that accepts two input arguments and returns no result.
ParameterizedMessage |
A Message accepting argument placeholders in the formatting pattern.
ParameterizedMessageFactory |
ParameterizedNoReferenceMessageFactory |
ParameterVisitable |
Allows message parameters to be iterated over without any allocation
or memory copies.
PerformanceSensitive |
Indicates that a particular annotated construct was written with certain performance constraints in mind that
should be considered when modifying or testing.
ProcessIdUtil |
PropertiesPropertySource |
PropertiesUtil |
Consider this class private.
PropertyFilePropertySource |
PropertySource backed by a properties file.
PropertySource |
A source for global configuration properties.
PropertySource.Comparator |
Comparator for ordering PropertySource instances by priority.
PropertySource.Util |
Utility methods useful for PropertySource implementations.
Provider |
Model class for a Log4j 2 provider.
ProviderActivator |
Utility class to register Log4j2 providers in an OSGI environment.
ProviderUtil |
Consider this class private. Utility class for Log4j Provider s.
ReadOnlyStringMap |
A read-only collection of String keys mapped to values of arbitrary type.
ReadOnlyThreadContextMap |
Read-only view of the data structure that implements MDC behavior for ThreadContext .
ReusableMessage |
Messages implementing this interface are reused between logging calls.
ReusableMessageFactory |
Implementation of the MessageFactory interface that avoids allocating temporary objects where possible.
ReusableObjectMessage |
Mutable Message wrapper around an Object message.
ReusableParameterizedMessage |
Reusable parameterized message.
ReusableSimpleMessage |
Mutable Message wrapper around a String message.
ServiceLoaderUtil |
This class should be considered internal.
SimpleLogger |
This is the default logger that is used when no suitable logging implementation is available.
SimpleLoggerContext |
SimpleLoggerContextFactory |
SimpleMessage |
The simplest possible implementation of Message.
SimpleMessageFactory |
SortedArrayStringMap |
Consider this class private.
Array-based implementation of the ReadOnlyStringMap interface.
StackLocator |
Consider this class private. Provides various methods to determine the caller class.
StackLocatorUtil |
Consider this class private. Provides various methods to determine the caller class.
StandardLevel |
Standard Logging Levels as an enumeration for use internally.
StatusConsoleListener |
StatusData |
The Status data.
StatusListener |
Interface that allows implementers to be notified of events in the logging system.
StatusLogger |
Records events that occur in the logging system.
StringBuilderFormattable |
Objects that implement this interface can be converted to text, ideally without allocating temporary objects.
StringBuilders |
Consider this class private.
StringFormattedMessage |
Handles messages that consist of a format string conforming to Formatter .
StringFormatterMessageFactory |
StringMap |
Exposes methods to add and remove key-value pairs to and from ReadOnlyStringMap .
StringMapMessage |
Strings |
Consider this class private.
StructuredDataCollectionMessage |
A collection of StructuredDataMessages.
StructuredDataId |
The StructuredData identifier.
StructuredDataMessage |
Represents a Message that conforms to an RFC 5424 StructuredData element along with the syslog message.
StructuredDataMessage.Format |
Supported formats.
Supplier<T> |
Consider this class private.
Classes implementing this interface know how to supply a value.
SystemPropertiesPropertySource |
PropertySource backed by the current system properties.
Terminable |
Interface to be implemented by LoggerContext's that provide a shutdown method.
ThreadContext |
The ThreadContext allows applications to store information either in a Map or a Stack.
ThreadContext.ContextStack |
The ThreadContext Stack interface.
ThreadContextMap |
Service provider interface to implement custom MDC behavior for ThreadContext .
ThreadContextMap2 |
Extension service provider interface to implement additional custom MDC behavior for
ThreadContext .
ThreadContextMapFactory |
Creates the ThreadContextMap instance used by the ThreadContext.
ThreadContextStack |
Service provider interface to implement custom NDC behavior for ThreadContext .
ThreadDumpMessage |
Captures information about all running Threads.
ThreadDumpMessage.ThreadInfoFactory |
Factory to create Thread information.
ThreadInformation |
Interface used to print basic or extended thread information.
Timer |
Primarily used in unit tests, but can be used to track elapsed time for a request or portion of any other operation
so long as all the timer methods are called on the same thread in which it was started.
Timer.Status |
TimestampMessage |
Messages that use this interface will cause the timestamp in the message to be used instead of the timestamp in
the LogEvent.
TriConsumer<K,V,S> |
An operation that accepts three input arguments and returns no result.
Unbox |
Utility for preventing primitive parameter values from being auto-boxed.